“I honestly broke down and cried because I felt so seen in a way I haven’t for a while now. I showed my counselor and she thought it was the coolest thing ever.”

“I think if I had Pictal 10 years ago, it would have drastically reduced the amount of time it took getting diagnoses / proper treatment. So grateful to have it now. This app is a must have for all chronic patients.”
- M.M., Virginia
“It helped me have more compassion for myself.”
– C.A., California
“It wasn’t clear before how much big life events, like moving to a new place, experiencing the loss of a loved one, or dealing with illness, really impact my anxiety and make me feel out of control. My therapist said, ‘It wasn't as clear to me until we looked at this together.’ The map put everything into perspective for me, too.”
- A.M., Pennsylvania
“Thank you for getting me here with the most confidence I’ve had to articulate my situation. The design was SUPER helpful and the doc was also very impressed/appreciative.”
- D.J., Vermont
“We used the visual to correct when things went wrong in the conversation. It was a way for [the doctor] to get back in tune with me and what I was talking about. This was one of my more collaborative, productive appointments. I had a positive feeling of sharing and collaboration, which is quite remarkable.”
- Bonnie, Los Angeles, CA • Read the full case study
“It got us quickly to a point that I haven’t gotten to in other appointments.”
- J.A., Vermont
“The doctor spent a full hour and a half with me talking through my health history and doing the tests. I took my timeline and graphic out for him and he immediately took pictures of them for his records and he studied them intently. He said I was the first person to have ever presented such a thorough health history and he was keenly interested.
I felt completely listened to and he definitely tailored the diagnostics around the information he gained.”
- W.E., Vermont
“If I can use it anyone can use it. I am 72 years old, reasonably computer-literate, and I can enter data without a problem. I’m really enjoying having this tool so far.”
– T.O., California
“I can't thank you enough for inventing this out of your own adverse experiences and expertise! It's a reminder even in health no one is all alone and in fact, extraordinary things come from life being life.”
– K.M., Texas
“I sent my dr. my Pictal graph today - it was the first time for us meeting. She said she loves visuals! It helped us discuss things more quickly and holistically (plus she's a chinese medicine doc, so thinks more holistically). Thanks for the tool!”
– J.K., Oregon
“My doctor’s exact words were “WOW this is exactly what I try to do in my head when talking to patients, this is so useful!”

“We saw the doctor yesterday. He was impressed with the visuals! In fact, it helped him focus on the most pressing/important symptoms and to understand which classes of drugs worked/didn’t work. And he spent A LOT less time in the computer system and A LOT more time brainstorming ideas for future treatment plan.
All this to say that working with you was extremely worthwhile. The end product really helped consolidate and visually reflect the medical odyssey that we’ve been on.”
- N.L., Colorado
“With your help, I've been able to pull together aspects of my history into what feels like the beginnings of a coherent sentence--it's like the timeline is saying something, and I can show it to my doctors so they can begin to decipher what my body is trying to say. I feel clearer and more hopeful than I have in a long time.”
- M.L., California
“Thank you again for all of your help with my parents. I am in awe of how you have created a novel approach to presenting their history to healthcare providers. It is also very helpful to them and to my non-medical family members - we’ve had discussions about some of the various events you rediscovered!”
- S.L., Vermont
This helps me integrate and make sense of my experiences.
- D.H., California
We just heard back from the Social Security Administration yesterday and they found my mother's disability claim -- Fully Favorable! I'm still in disbelief because I really didn't expect for it to be approved, given that it is incredibly difficult to obtain the status. Your work was instrumental to helping all her medical providers, judges, and legal representatives understand the nature of her condition.
- J.G., New York City
I have to say what you created for me was just.... phenomenal. I think my doctor would agree.
- J.P., Indiana
“I printed the timeline per your instructions and took to Stanford’s Chronic Fatigue clinic last week… the doctor loved all of it… showed the entire staff and got your info :)”
- M.S., Alabama
“Thank you for getting me here with the most confidence I’ve had to articulate my situation. The design was SUPER helpful and the doc was very impressed and appreciative.”

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